Protective effects of DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols in Skin

DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols from Davos Life Science targets the underlying root causes of skin ageing. In vitro, this bioactive ingredient worked to reduce PM2.5-induced intracellular oxidative stress and inflammation. There was a 2.7-fold reduction in […]

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Make No Bones About It

Drugs that treat osteoporosis mainly fo­cus on preventing further bone loss, and they “come with many side effects such as muscle cramps, stomach distress, and head­aches,” Lee suggests. Further, he believes science is pointing toward […]

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陈炳橓和吴柳莹 代言达沃斯生命E3

大马顶尖种植公司之一的吉隆坡甲洞集团(Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad),赞助世界排名第七的大马羽球混双组合陈炳橓和吴柳莹,帮助他们实现追逐东京奥运梦想。 吉隆坡甲洞集团执行董事李家章表示,陈炳橓和吴柳莹将成为该公司的达沃斯生命E3(DavosLife E3)首批品牌代言人。达沃斯生命E3生育三烯酚(tocotrienols)是一种萃取自棕榈果的天然维生素 E 营养补充品,包含生育三烯酚,具有高生物吸收性,适合忙碌生活方式的成年人和有疲倦症状的老年人使用。生育三烯酚作为抗氧化剂有益于中和自由基,帮助维持整体身体健康和活力。 李家章说,东京奥运会因新冠疫情影响已延期至明年7月23日至8月8日举行,虽然陈炳橓和吴柳莹放弃了10月的两站丹麦羽球公开赛,但他们希望明年初能重返世界羽联的两项亚洲赛,以确保维持在世界排名16以内而获得东京奥运会的参赛资格。 陈炳橓表示,东京奥运会展延一年意味着他必需继续训练以保持体能和状态,这将需要额外的费用,但在目前这个艰难时刻是很不容易找到赞助商的。 吴柳莹则说,这笔赞助费将帮助支付未来巡回赛的费用,让她可以更专注于东京奥运的训练,并希望为马来西亚取得好成绩。 据悉,自从转为自由人羽球员后,陈炳橓和吴柳莹在2019的泰国大师赛和纽西兰公开赛都取得斐然的成绩。 星洲日报也刊载了这条消息

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Back to Basics: How COVID-19 revitalized interest in familiar letter vitamins

Re­search studies have shown that tocotrienols have positive health benefits in the manage­ment of hypertension, heart disease, and di­abetes. These chronic conditions predispose individuals to the more severe form of COVID-19, and therefore there’s been growing interest in tocotrienol supplementa­tion to help promote the prevention of these chronic diseases.

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KLK OLEO-Davos Life Science는 새로운 안티-폴루션 바이오 엑티브를 선보입니다.

It is clinically-proven to protect skin from UV-induced erythema by up to 26% and pigmentation by up to 32%. It naturally balances skin pigmentation to promote brighter skin by inhibiting tyrosinase protein expression, resulting in up to 55% reduction in melanin content. DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols is a comprehensive bioactive ingredient targeting multiple extrinsic factors for anti-ageing products to promote younger-looking skin.

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